We've Moved!

We've Moved!

Saturday, January 20, 2007


There he was, with his arm draped around the crooked lawyer who boasted no judge could touch him. This was before the lawyer was found guilty but Julie was there to show his support. Is this the kind of person you want to trust as your police chief? Julie Fantino is a cop with a troubling past filled with unpleasant accusations of racial and gender bias. He seems to believe cops can do no wrong, only us common as muck civilians are capable of breaking the law.Now he is the new head of the Ontario Provincial Police Force. I don't expect him to come intimidating us meek, cowering village folk of Dwight or stomp on other turf in rural Ontario...he'll leave that to others, But I must admit to being just a touch fearful of Julie who appears to have the humourless demeanour of a dyspeptic, cane-cracking Victorian schoolmaster.

But what brains! His first order was to change the colour of the OPP cars to black and white-far more police like than than namby pamby white cars with blue and gold stripes. This move will surely terrify every perp in Ontario into going straight

And talking of straight, there will be n0 more laughing at Sgt Cam Wolley's jokes! They are not funny! We are not funny!

No. You are ludicrous.

Perhaps, if we are lucky, the metaphorical Ides of March will come sooner than Julie expects.

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